Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rainbow cupcakes

I get many questions at icing classes.
An origin of icing, how to keep food coloring in good condition, how long we can keep them etc.

The food colors are used in a lot of food, like ice cream and snacks etc. so I am not worried about eating them, but I understand that you want to avoide them for home made cookies!

In Japan, you can get natural food coloring (powdered) at following web site.

You can also use the purple potato powder, green tea powder etc, but I wouldn't recommend to color the icing cream by powder.  The water type or jel type food coloring make more glossy and beautiful fiish.  You can see the real good icing cookies has some clear, glossy look.

The redhouse icing cookie class uses many kind of food colorings including natual food colors.

But you can also make the natural food coloring at home.

I made some natural food color and rainbow cupcakes with my friend, "pomm et porc".

She is so good at baking and cooking and her kitchen was filled with full of cool cooking tools!  She also has so many vintage dishes...and they were all so cute and beautiful!  She even has fermentation machine for her baking!!

She made a delicious lunch and also my birthday cake!  Yum!



I made a coloring icing cookis for our little help!

Here is how to make food coloring.

Chopped beets by food processor and bring them to boil with bit of water, drain them.
You can use rasberries and it tastes better, but beets get more clear red color.

The same as beets, chopped red cabbage by food processor, bring them to boil with bit of water, drain them.  You can get beautiful purple coloring.  You can also use purple colored berries but red cabbage is more clear and nice cloring. 


I used spinach this time and added some green tea powder in it to make it more thick color.

Add turmeric powder in orange juice.  You can also use carrots.  Turmeric powder tastes strong, so you need to be careful.

That's the basic color.

Add red which you made with beets int a yellow coloring.

Add bit of baking soda in purple color.
It will turn greenish if you baked.  It should be blue if you just want to use for icing.

Here we are!  Add those coloring to cake batter.  They are all natural colors!  How pretty they are ;)

Take one spoon each and make layers.

Bake them!

Decorate them with cherries and berries!

Cute cupcake!

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